Aniruddha Saṃyukta

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The Aniruddha Saṃyukta is the 30th subdivision of the CSA edition of the Related Discourses. It consists of 11 sutras contained in fascicles 19 and 20 of the Taisho edition.

Table of Contents and Parallels

Below is a (work-in-progress) list of all the sutras contained in this Saṃyukta.

Note: Parallels listed in () are either only similar or they share templates with the subject but don't appear to be direct parallels. For example, SĀ 1.1-10 have SĀ 2.1-10 listed as similar parallels because the same template is applied to the aggregates in SĀ 1 as is applied to the sense fields in SĀ 2.

CSA No. Taisho No. Sutra Title Parallels
SĀ 30.1 T99.535 ? SN 52.2
SĀ 30.2 T99.536 ? SN 52.1
SĀ 30.3 T99.537 ? SN 52.6
SĀ 30.4 T99.538 ? SN 52.6
SĀ 30.5 T99.539 ? SN 52.23
SĀ 30.6 T99.540 ? SN 52.10
SĀ 30.7 T99.541 ? ?
SĀ 30.8 T99.542 ? SN 52.4
SĀ 30.9 T99.543 ? SN 52.5,9
SĀ 30.10 T99.544 ? ?
SĀ 30.11 T99.545 ? SN 52.8